Event Driven Architecture via AWS EventBridge

akugel | Oct. 11, 2022, 10:52 a.m.

Hi all. So, part of my responsibility at my new position is to integrate our application with third party applications, specifically our CRM solutions. We’re doing this by using an event driven architecture powered by AWS EventBridge. Say a new user is created within our application, and we need that change to be reflected on our CRM platform. The application fires a UserCreate event, which event bridge subscribes to. Now, Ideally, we’d be able to have the CRM application subscribe to that event directly. Unfortunately, our CRM platform doesn't support this functionality. So we use an AWS step function to fire a lambda function to perform an API post request to the CRM.

My responsibility over the last few days has been to get those API Post requests to work correctly, which I believe I have. Hopefully my pull request gets approved either today or tomorrow, and then we’ll have these events fully integrated with our CRM!

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I'm Anthony Kugel, a cloud engineer and freelance web developer. I made this site with the help of djangocentral.com.

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